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How to Help
PLLDF provides pro bono legal assistance to defend the right to life of all human beings, from conception to natural death. However, PLLDF’s resources are limited both monetarily and in terms of volunteers. PLLDF relies on both forms of assistance in order to represent those who cannot defend themselves.
Monetary Contributions
PLLDF is a non-profit corporation that provides legal assistance in furtherance of the pro-life cause. Even though our attorneys provide pro bono assistance, our costs (filing fees, case costs, printing, technical support, mailings, etc.) are considerable. In order to continue to provide trained and committed pro-life voices in our courtrooms and other public forums, we request your financial support. All Donations made to PLLDF are tax-deductible.
To donate by check, made payable to “Pro Life Legal Defense Fund, Inc.,” to:
2 Neptune Road, #167,
Boston, MA 02128
Alternatively, you can donate via PayPal by clicking on this LINK
PLLDF thanks you for your consideration.
Legal Assistance
PLLDF is committed to providing pro bono legal assistance in an effort to promote a respect for human life and defend the right to life of all human beings. We currently have a limited number of attorneys available to represent clients in these matters. In order to respond to all of the requests for assistance from those interested in protecting life, PLLDF is reaching out for additional volunteer assistance from the pro-life legal community.
PLLDF understands that it is difficult for attorneys to take on more commitments above and beyond their normal workloads. However, PLLDF is only asking for a commitment within your own abilities and time constraints. We do not want anyone to take on more than he or she can handle. There are many ways that you might be able to help.
Attorneys can also assist PLLDF on outreach and education matters. PLLDF has hosted and/or participated in many events involving the legal community. Attorneys could contribute by speaking at these events about various pro-life issues. Attorneys could also donate time placing telephone calls, on PLLDF’s behalf, for various pro-life causes and events. In addition to events, PLLDF produces a newsletter, and is always looking for attorneys to submit pro-life articles for publication. If you are interested in helping PLLDF in any way, monetarily or as a volunteer, please do not hesitate to contact us.