Understanding MOLST Could Save Your Life

PLLDF recognizes the value of all life, regardless of age, and believes it is imperative that Massachusetts residents become informed on recently enacted legislation which could threaten the lives of vulnerable adults.

PLLDF’s Medical-Legal Think Tank has invited Attorney Patricia Stewart to present her findings on the effects of this legislation on MOLST (Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment) policy in Massachusetts. Attorney Stewart focuses on end-of-life counseling and regularly advises in this area.

PLLDF is beginning its focus on MOLST with physicians and lawyers to allow them to become better equipped to protect their patients and clients from making uninformed and life-threatening decisions. Because understanding MOLST is at the forefront of end-of-life counseling, and is extremely important for everyone, PLLDF hopes to facilitate future MOLST seminars for the general public.


RSVP: Physicians and lawyers, please reserve your seat by emailing info@plldf.org or by calling us at 617-979-8383.

Location: Pro Life Legal Defense Fund, Inc. 1150 Walnut St., Newton MA 02461

Time: Thursday, March 21st (6:45 PM – 8:00 PM)

Complimentary light refreshments will be served. Free on-site parking is available.

