Pro-Life Conversations – So Difficult to Initiate

In a hurried world, full of tweets and sound bytes, it’s difficult to hold in-depth conversations about anything. It’s particularly difficult with respect to “life” issues.

Let’s face it – for many reasons, abortion is an unusually sensitive topic. Perhaps this is because abortion has affected so many of our families and friends, and our sense of loyalty inspires us not to disturb them.

So how can we promote rational dialogue on the life issue, without the risk of disturbing a loved one? And how can we avoid the all-too-frequent devolution of such conversations into impatient exchanges of sound bytes expressed by advocates who are intolerant of the opinion of those who disagree? Maybe we can propose a time limit, and give the other person the freedom to avoid the conversation altogether.

Consider emailing this message to initiate a “life” conversation:

“I believe justice requires truth, and that I have a responsibility to help create a just community. I’d like to talk with you. If it makes you uncomfortable, and you want me to stop, just tell me and I’ll stop immediately. I believe our laws should protect human life from conception through natural death – and I would like to discuss this with you – for ten minutes or longer – regardless of whether you agree or disagree with my belief. Can we talk?”

Conversations like these are essential to the restoration of a culture of life. If you like what you see, consider supporting PLLDF with a donation by clicking here.