In 2018, PLLDF was once again privileged to assist Attorneys Dwight Duncan and Colbe Mazzarella to come to the aid of the Little Sisters of the Poor. This time we helped file a brief on behalf of the Amici Curiae residents and families of residents at homes of the Little Sisters of the Poor in the case of The State of California et al. v. Alex M. Azar II, et al. at the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

In 2016, Attorneys Duncan and Mazzarella, with PLLDF’s support, filed a brief on behalf of the Little Sisters at the Supreme Court of the United States. The brief opposed the government’s so-called “accommodation” to the federal Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) contraceptive mandate and regulations promulgated thereunder. The Amici, pleased with that 2016 effort, requested that a brief with similar content be filed this year in a new case before the Ninth Circuit. The brief was filed on April 13, 2018.

PLLDF is pleased to once again help the Little Sisters defend their deeply-held religious beliefs and vows against onerous governmental interference involving California and some other states.

See the PLLDF-sponsored brief below.