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Showing gross disregard for the rights of parents and the unborn, Massachusetts’ leading legal publication refused to publish PLLDF’s letter to the editor. The justification given was that the letter did “not involve a live legal issue, nor is it an analysis of a legal issue.” It claimed to see “no current legal controversy” that…
Great Progress on PLLDF’s 2 ≠ 1 T-Shirt Effort
PLLDF is happy to report great progress in its efforts to refute the insidious pro-abortion phrase “My Body My Choice” through our 2 ≠ 1 t-shirt project. That phrase, and its devastating effects, need to be stopped in their tracks! As shown in the photos below, PLLDF’s t-shirt project recently gained valuable exposure nationally and…
Help PLLDF Refute The Phrase “My Body, My Choice”!
Pro Life Legal Defense Fund believes that these t-shirts and video clips help to demonstrate the shallow and unscientific nature of the popular phrase “My Body, My Choice.” The front of the t-shirt attracts attention and curiosity – the back makes our point – together they promote meaningful discussion. We need your help in two…
More Sucess for PLLDF’s Pro-Life, Pro-Family Flag Project
PLLDF is proud to announce ongoing successes in its efforts to fly our Pro-Life, Pro-Family Flag. KofC Council 252 is flying our flag permanently. St. Mary of the Assumption Parish in Dedham flies our flag monthly during the days of its Pro-Life Novena (on or about the 25th of each month, March through December). One of…
PLLDF’s Pro-Life, Pro-Family Flag Flies in Waltham, MA
From March 11th to March 12th, PLLDF’s newly created pro-life, pro-family flag flew fully and proudly on the Main Street flagpole outside the Waltham, MA City Hall. The combination of good weather and favorable wind velocity enabled the image and words (PRO-LIFE, PRO-MOTHER, PRO-FATHER, and PRO-CHILD) to stand out clearly in plain view. See the…
2024 Presentation of Thomas More Award
The Thomas More award was presented by Jim Lyons , Jr., “The Lion of the Legislature” who served as state representative and chair of the Massachusetts Republican Party. Pro-life lawyer Robert Joyce received the award and gave a rousing acceptance speech. Click Read More to see a video, transcript, and photos from the event…
Free Showing of Nefarious Film 12/2/23, 1/6/24, 1/7/24
As President of the Pro-Life Legal Defense Fund, Inc. (PLLDF), I invite you to a free showing of this important film. Please share this invitation with others. As a sidewalk counselor, I am an eyewitness to the human struggle with evil. This movie focuses on the inner workings of that struggle. Nefarious was released in theaters…
The Men’s March to Abolish Abortion and Rally for Personhood
Men, women, and families are invited to join the Men’s March to Abolish Abortion and Rally for Personhood on Saturday, November 4th. Men and boys will gather outside Planned Parenthood (1055 Commonwealth Ave) at 8:30 AM and begin to peacefully march at 9:00 AM to the Parkman Bandstand in Boston Common (139 Tremont St). Women and families…
Annual Brunch – 2023
PLLDF is proud to announce that the famed pro-life attorney James Bopp will receive our prestigious Thomas More Award at the Century Brunch. Join us on Saturday, April 29, 2023 from 10– 12pm at the Boston Marriott Newton Hotel, 2345 Commonwealth Avenue (Route 30), Newton, MA 02466. Atty. Bopp was a major strategist for the…
PLLDF’s Amicus Brief Defends Louisiana Law at SCOTUS
Hoping to persuade the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) to cease bending established standards of constitutional law to protect abortion, PLLDF joined other pro-life groups and individuals to assist preparing and filing an Amicus Curiae brief at SCOTUS in June Medical Services v. Gee. This time PLLDF seeks to uphold the Louisiana Unsafe…
Physician-Assisted Suicide: PLLDF Testifies in Opposition
On June 25, 2019, PLLDF joined on a panel with two other pro-life advocacy groups to testify in opposition to the proposed Massachusetts physician-suicide bill euphamistically titled “An Act Relative to End of Life Options.” PLLDF, together with representatives from the Massachusetts Family Institute (MFI) and Choice Is An Illusion, described some of the insidious…
Controversial ROE Act: PLLDF Testifies at MA State House
PLLDF’s president testified at the June 17th public hearing on the controversial ROE Act. The hearing was before the Joint Committee on the Judiciary, and held in the Gardner Auditorium at the MA State House. Because of the great number of concerned citizens attending the hearing, an overflow crowd filled the Great Hall at the…
Pro-Life Conversations – So Difficult to Initiate
In a hurried world, full of tweets and sound bytes, it’s difficult to hold in-depth conversations about anything. It’s particularly difficult with respect to “life” issues. Let’s face it – for many reasons, abortion is an unusually sensitive topic. Perhaps this is because abortion has affected so many of our families and friends, and our…
Supreme Court Credits PLLDF’s Amicus Brief in “Box v. Planned Parenthood”
In its per curiam decision ordered on May 28th, the Supreme Court (“SCOTUS”) issued orders which PLLDF finds both discouraging and encouraging. Box, et. al. v. Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky, Inc., et. al. One new provision of Indiana law had regulated the disposition of fetal remains by abortion providers; another had barred the knowing…
2019 Century Brunch – A HUGE Success!
A genuine pro-life hero, James “Jim” Lyons received the prestigious Thomas More Award at PLLDF’s 2019 Century Brunch on April 27th. Approximately 120 guests, including more than 20 pro-life law students, were inspired and energized by Jim’s testimony. Jim served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives for eight years during which time, in his own…
2019 Century Brunch
PLLDF is proud to announce that James “Jim” Lyons will receive PLLDF’s prestigious Thomas More Award at our Century Brunch which will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2019 from 10:30am – 12:15pm at the Boston Marriott Newton Hotel, 2345 Commonwealth Avenue (Route 30), Newton, MA 02466. Please consider supporting the pro-life cause and this…
Understanding MOLST Could Save Your Life
PLLDF recognizes the value of all life, regardless of age, and believes it is imperative that Massachusetts residents become informed on recently enacted legislation which could threaten the lives of vulnerable adults. PLLDF’s Medical-Legal Think Tank has invited Attorney Patricia Stewart to present her findings on the effects of this legislation on MOLST (Medical Orders…
PLLDF Files Amicus to SCOTUS Seeking Certiorari to Uphold Indiana’s Anti-Eugenics Law
PLLDF joined with the Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund, and others, to obtain SCOTUS certiorari review of a case from the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Box v. Planned Parenthood of Indiana & Kentucky, Inc., 2019 U.S. S. Ct. Brief LEXIS 366. To see the brief, click here. Dr. Kristina Box,…
HUSH DOCUMENTARY – 3rd and 4th Showing Dates Announced
PLLDF is proud to present its 3rd and 4th showings of the 50-minute film titled “HUSH”, an award-winning documentary which should be seen by all women, whether pro-choice or pro-life, and by anyone concerned with women’s long-term health. Following the showing, PLLDF will again host a brief, open and free dialogue about the life issues…
See Baby’s Heart Beat at 4.5 Weeks After Fertilization
The video clip shown here reveals a real human, beating heart just 4.5 weeks following fertilization (6.5 weeks since the last menstrual period). This is a phenomenal tool for pro-life advocacy that can be accessed from a FREE app. The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists has recommended this free pregnancy app, available for the…
Another Successful HUSH Showing on College Campus
PLLDF and the American University Women for Life (AUWL) continued their efforts to introduce college audiences to the HUSH documentary. On October 30th, PLLDF and AUWL joined with Jumbos For Life, a Tufts University pro-life student organization, for a viewing of HUSH on Tufts’ Medford campus. Audience members expressed particular appreciation for how HUSH examines crucial issues affecting women’s health:…
Come Hear AG Jeff Sessions & Others: The Future of Religious Liberty
Protection of Religious Liberty is essential for success in the pro-life cause. PLLDF has just become aware that well-known national defenders of religious liberty will visit Boston for a luncheon and panel discussion this coming Monday, October 29. The event is sponsored by The Federalist Society, Lawyers’ Division. All pro-lifers are encouraged to attend. The…
HUSH – Free Showings in Newton
PLLDF is proud to present the 50-minute film titled “HUSH”, an award-winning documentary which should be seen by all women, whether pro-choice or pro-life, and by anyone concerned with women’s long-term health. Please join us at 1150 Walnut St., Newton, MA 02461 on November 2nd or one of the other dates shown below: Friday, November 2,…
Gosnell Update – New Theatres Onboard
Since our 10/2/18 posting, when only one Massachusetts theatre had agreed to show Gosnell, five additional theatres will show the movie starting on October 12th. See our 10/2/18 posting for information about Gosnell. ____________ Here’s a list of all Massachusetts theatres which will presently premiere Gosnell on October 12th, and a map showing directions. AMC…
Gosnell Movie – Good News & Bad News & Good News & Good News
The first good news is that Gosnell – The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer is coming to theatres nationwide on October 12th. Gosnell is a feature film about America’s most prolific serial killer, and the fight to bring him to justice. It shows how the political establishment knew of his activities but allowed Gosnell (now…
PLLDF is delighted that the U.S. Supreme Court decided on June 26, 2018 to uphold the free speech rights of pregnancy help centers and clinics, ruling as unconstitutional the efforts of the State of California to impose unduly burdensome, anti-life speech disclosure requirements. The case is NIFLA v. Becerra, (see link below). Last October, PLLDF…
PLLDF’s transition to an annual brunch format for 2018 was a huge success! More than 115 guests enjoyed a wonderful meal and an inspiring address by 2018 Thomas More Award recipient, Attorney Erika Bachiochi. Attorney Bachiochi is a prolific author and speaker on issues including abortion, Equal Protection jurisprudence, and feminist legal theory. Her writings…